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Habit Change

Updated: Jan 9, 2023

The beginning of a new year always has the energy of change, resolutions and self-improvement. But how do you make lasting changes to your lifestyle? How do you win at habit change?

To be successful at changing your behaviors, you must start small. Instead of allowing your current behaviors to determine your identity, decide what sort of person you want to be and then make small changes that prove it to be true.

Check Out This Video

I made a video several years ago for the members of my Everyday Evolution program (excuse the low quality). I highlight a few key concepts from leaders in habit change, such as James Clear, BJ Fogg and Brandon Burchard. I am sharing this video with you, in hopes that it will help you be successful in changing your own habits.

The Books

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Other Inspiration

Everyday Evolution

Everyday Evolution is a year long transformational group program based on my book 90 Days to Holistic Wellness. We focus on 12 key behaviors over all four seasons. This give us a chance to make small changes and then build upon them, as well as to experience how the seasons affect our behaviors. Contact me to learn more, or simply sign up.

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