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Sunshine Meditation | 5 Minute Meditation

Updated: Sep 14, 2023

When the weather is gray, there is nothing like visualizing sunshine to lift your spirits!

Taking a few moments to bask in the sunshine (even when just inside your head) can go a long way in counteracting a gloomy and dark day/week/month/season.

Did you know that SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) is most common during the dark months of Fall and Winter? While a sunshine meditation might not cure SAD or replace your happy light, it surely can't hurt to allow your mind and body to soak up the mental image of sunshine!

Join Me For 5 Minutes of Meditation

Benefits of Meditation

Even just a few minutes of meditation a day can help alleviate stress, lower anxiety, improve sleep, increase mental focus, open the heart to love and self-appreciation, decrease mental chatter and allow us to feel more connected to the divine. And that's just the tip of the iceberg!

How to Meditate

If you are new to meditation, check out this video.

Anyone can meditate. It's super simple, but not always easy. Start slow and build a daily practice. Considering all the benefits listed above, how can you afford not to?

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